3 minutes
100 days of homelab delayed start – day 1
I’m 2 years late to the party for the whole #100daysofhomelab thing. That’s okay. I decided to start now because I have a huge homecloud and lanecloud backlog that just hasn’t moved forward. Additionally, I’m going to help host some more Armbian stuff in lanecloud, so I need to make good on my commitments.
I figured interacting with Hugo was a good warm-up for a workday evening. I always have to kind of re-remember how to interact with it. I’m also not very good at image processing. So lets try that again.
Here’s a pic of the James River when it flooded earlier in the month.

Good job me! Finally used the short codes correctly.
Will try to just keep this high-level so the list doesn’t look so insurmountable. It’s also silly that I have 2 discrete environments to worry about, but that’s just how it is.
Homecloud - migrate my Nomad services to Kubernetes
I’ve basically done the hard part. I’ve got a single node x86 variant of opinionated armlab k3s build.
Core attributes of the monocluster:
- k3s
- cilium
- fluxcd
- secrets manager w/ 1password integration
- ingress-nginx
- external-dns
- certmanager
Over the holidays, I spent a zillion hours trying to automate all the weird little bootstrapping steps, and solving for some of the sequencing ex. 1password setup before external-secrets etc.
Also really the biggest pain in migrating is my current Nomad setup using fabio ingresses several different domains, and I’m having to suck it up and migrate things to cloudflare DNS for sanity. I still have a few more zones to move.
Once that’s done, then it’s just a matter if redeploying my existing services.
LaneCloud – move my VM deployment to libvirt
I’ve settled on just using ansible libvirt as the most sustainable way for me to manage VMs. I need to migrate my existing lanecloud deployments using my homegrown nomad solution for running VMs over to just basic libvirt.
Lanecloud – personal Kubernetes cluster
I’ll stick with providing friends VPS, but I would like to just get a Kubernetes cluster out there that uses Cilium BGP.
Lanecloud – network shuffling
I need some more VLANs and better east-west filtering. Also want to deploy an instance of clammy-ng to sit between my VLANs and our core router. It will be much easier for me to manage NAT rules there than on our core router. We have multiple WAN links, and that means I have to duplicate NAT rules for each path.. It’s annoying.
Get motivated n stuff
Alright… I made this blog post. So great start, me. Good job. Also I kind of feel better remembering all the work I already did. I just need to hammer away at it. Hence the spirit of this whole #100daysofhomelab thing. Thanks TechnoTim and friends.