It’s really weird to come full circle and come back to just wanting simple static content to post on a web-page.

Digging slightly deeper

I got addicted to just sharing my projects/thoughts etc in real-time over “big chat” (just made that up), and social media. As we know–social media takes more than it gives these days. Sharing on chat is fun, but even that can be information overload for the friends you’re trying to share with… Especially if half of its really notes. I’m very prone to stream-of-conciousness types of messaging. I’m sure its fatiguing for others.

beyond note taking

Hedgedoc has been a blessing for keeping notes in markdown. I really love it.. but I don’t like it much as a medium for sharing, even though it has a concept of publishing. Needs more decoupling. Also it’s theme is sometimes too narrow of a fixed with for snippets.

the right filing system

Lately I’ve been reaaally craving a blog to share my more recent science projects.. It’s been eating at me.. so that’s a sign. I have to say even going through this exercise of writing this first-post that it’s therapeutic to know I’m filing this content in an appropriate location.

The Eternal turmoil of momentum vs principled computing

“Just setup hugo to deploy in github pages” is the 2024 equivalent of “just scp files to an nginx server you manually configured”.

Naturally if I’d done either of those things, this would have been online 10 months ago… but I can’t. I’d been trying to hold out until I have a public-facing k8s tooled correctly with external-dns and cert-manager, but my compromise for now is to just deploy onto lanecloud object storage and front-end with an nginx i already have deployed and managed via ansible.

testing code snippets


- name: Alice
  age: 30
  city: New York
- name: Bob
  age: 25
  city: London
- name: Charlie
  age: 32
  city: Paris


export HELLO=world

if ${VAR}; then
  echo "${SOMETHING}"


message = """
Hello, World!

This is a multi-line string
with multiple lines and spaces.



package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
  fmt.Println("Hello, World!")